Fictionally interactive

My games

Minimal, abstract art depicting a cat's paw print overimposed on a seascape: seagulls gliding over the water, under a warm sun. Low-res animated pixel art depicting a monochrome palace scene with Mediterranean motifs. Abstract art suggesting an underground lake in a cave whose ceiling is dotted with points of light. Game cover depicting superimposed urban scenes featuring old buildings, people and trees. Game cover depicting a cartoon cat entering a dark room through a door that lights everything from behind. (Sabotage!)

My reviews

My articles

Me elsewhere

Useful links

The link directory was moved to its own page.

Useful things

I made syntax highlighting files for Inform 6, to be used with the Micro, Nano and mcedit text editors. See this blog post for how to install them.

As of 23 February 2022, these files are incomplete and probably inexact, but should help with a lot of games.